Wednesday, September 19, 2007

how to beat them at their own game

Only two sleeps left to Shindig. I have decided that the only way I can possibly beat Ben and his little army is to play their game.

He is being 'fake-nice' to trap me so the best way to ruin the trap is to be 'genuine-nice' in return.

And so, this email, has been sent:


Thank you for the kind offer of a lift on Friday. I am delighted to accept. As you suggest, Kate and I will be looking smashing in our dresses and ready to celebrate another week's end with some champagne.

You must join Kate and I at our table and I look forward to a spin on the dance floor with you later in the night.

Thank you again,


Perhaps I will stab him with a letter opener while we dance. How Shakespearean, if only the warehouse on Yarra had an arras.

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